Idoors: Our Green Commitment and Solar Energy

Idoors: Our Green Commitment and Solar Energy

12 June 2024
At Idoors, we take pride in being a company that embraces sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Since 2022, we have taken a significant step towards a greener future by installing photovoltaic panels at our headquarters.
This decision not only reflects our commitment to the environment, but has also yielded remarkable results: today, we produce more energy than what we consume.

A Necessary Change
At Idoors, sustainability is not just a buzzword but a concrete responsibility.
When we installed the photovoltaic panels, we knew it would be a significant investment for our future and that of our planet.
Every day, we see the benefits of this choice: we reduce CO2 emissions, decrease our ecological footprint, and actively contribute to the fight against climate change.

A Meaningful Comparison
Looking at the Italian landscape, we are aware that there is still much work to be done.
Currently, only 15% of the offices in Italy are equipped with renewable energy systems.
This fact motivates us even more to continue on this path and inspire other companies to follow our example.
If more businesses adopted solutions like photovoltaic panels, the positive impact on the environment would be immense.

Beyond Energy Self-Sufficiency
Since the installation of photovoltaic panels, we have recorded an energy surplus.
This means that not only we are self-sufficient in terms of energy, but we also can feed clean energy into the grid.
This energy surplus reduces our operating costs and contributes to the energy needs of the surrounding community, demonstrating how sustainable actions can have broad and shared benefits.

In Conclusion
Our commitment to the environment is an integral part of our company's identity.
Every day, we work to improve and innovate, seeking increasingly green solutions to reduce our environmental impact.
The transition to renewable energy is just one of the many steps we are taking in this direction.
The installation of photovoltaic panels was a significant decision, and the results encourage us to do even more.
We are proud of our journey and will continue to work for a better tomorrow for ourselves and for future generations.